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Bite Adjustment

Adjustment of the way your upper and lower teeth bite together is called “Occlusal Equilibration” in dentistry.

Bite adjustment is needed from time to time when a filling has been done, or a new tooth crown or bridgework is done.

Typically it’s a short 5-minute procedure where you bite down on a piece of paper to show the biting surfaces, and the dentist adjusts the top of your teeth surfaces slightly.

It usually involves altering the chewing surfaces of some or all of a person’s teeth, allowing the jaw joints to be in the right anatomical position when the teeth come together, resulting in a solid bite.

If not correctly aligned, joint problems can develop, tooth wear problems can develop, or some combination of both.

Here are some of the tell-tale symptoms:

The procedure used to adjust a patient’s bite does not promote tooth decay. As a general rule, the amount of tooth structure removed in an occlusal equilibration is minimal (microns), and it is difficult for the patient to detect visually any changes in the teeth.

Patients who have had their bite adjusted usually confirm immediately that it feels much better and the above-listed symptoms disappear.

They can continue to live a renewed life with a great new smile.

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Salka & his team on the 8th May 2022

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