As we’ve been building Dental Holiday, we’ve always tested what works for our UK dental patients and what doesn’t. It’s exciting, because it’s a chance to influence all aspects of the dental treatment abroad experience, instead of being the dental marketing person who’s just brought in to work on making some kind of dental treatment sell better to UK patients seeking better dental treatment abroad.
A major part of this is thinking about the value for money dentistry abroad. I’ve written about dental treatment price points a couple of times before, as it’s something I think about often, as one of the core parts of our dental service, business model, and marketing. Dental implants, abutments and ceramic blocks for crowns are sold to dental clinics across central Europe at roughly the same price, therefore in addition to the doctors and lab technicians fees, there’s not too much to play with concerning the overall price that we come up with. In the UK you can pay up to £2000 for a good dental implant abroad, out here you shouldn’t be asked to pay more than £1000 for a complete dental implant. So the obvious choice is to go abroad for your dental treatment, but where? when all the prices are roughly the same? I believe that the answer lies in the actual value that the dental clinic can give you.
Competing on value with dental clinics in Hungary, Poland and the UK
Here’s the big point: We can always compete on value, if not always on price. Meaning, if we offer dental treatment abroad at whatever price point we decide to charge you, we’re going to give you as much value as we can afford to put into it. The difference, in my view, is everything.
Some dentists out here look for ways that they can give you something cheaper than your local private dental clinic. Other dental specialists look for ways to do a cheaper version of what they to their local VIP dental patients. But that’s competing on price. To compete on value in dentistry, the goal is, “always deliver more than what your patients expect for that price.” At Dental Holiday, we give away lots of freebies as part of what they get for their money. These include:
- No pressure, non-biased dental advice via the treatment abroad website email or telephone
- No hassle dental treatment quote & plan
- almost immediate dental treatment appointments available
- 24hr responses to all communication, even at the weekend
- Free airport transfer
- Help with arranging local accommodation
- A local mobile telephone to keep in touch with us and your loved ones
- Free OPG digital x-rays (normally £49)
- Free dental consultations with our top dentist (worth £87)
- Free Wi-fi internet, cups of tea / coffee, maps, local assistance, smiles and encouragement
- No hidden or extra costs, and a solid guarantee.
- dental treatment done in just 1-2 visits instead of 10-20 😉
That’s our view on value for money in dentistry abroad. Give more than your patients expect. If we weren’t cheap enough you wouldn’t think of coming over , but we don’t want to keep our low prices by taking something away.