
How long after tooth removal can a bridge be fitted?

By Dental Holiday

June 28, 2011

Do you need a tooth removed and a tooth bridge fitted?

Although a new all-ceramic tooth bridge can be fitted immediately after a tooth has been extracted, because of the swelling and resulting gap in the jawbone that may occur,  in some cases, it’s better to wait 8-12 weeks for the jawbone surrounding the position of the extracted tooth to heal over completely.

This would be the same in dental implant cases as well. Placing dental implants into newly healed jawbone results in the highest success rate possible, and therefore, many experienced implantologists prefer to wait for those 8-12 weeks.


When it’s possible to do a bridge or dental implant immediately after extraction (your implantologist or dentist will tell you so), then a temporary bridge can be made up to be worn during the dental implant healing and preparation period.

I hope that helps…