Some patients just feel better being put to sleep for having a major smile reconstruction, and wake up with a new set of teeth.
Like this patient, who after her initial consultation, opted for extensive dental treatment under General Anaesthetic.
10/10 – I would tell them that it is a very good Dentist and that it is very reasonable in price. All staff are very caring and that the dentist is in a lovely place.”
Once any tooth extractions were done and her dental implants placed, we fitted a semi-permanent bridge with titanium reinforcement to be worn during the healing time. This was already a great step forward for her to get used to having a full set of permanent teeth again.
After a healing period of 2-3 months, Paula returned to the clinic for teeth impressions (tooth moulds) to be made of her dental implants, ready for her return 3 weeks later for the fitting of the final bridgework.
As you can see from the photographs and x-rays on this page, the procedure made all the different to her smile and quality of life. Wouldn’t you agree?
I’m on your mailing list because I made an enquiry a couple of years ago. I noticed the email you sent me regarding ‘ wake up with new teeth’ it caught my attention. What would the cost to have this treatment? How long would I need to stay?…. Thanks.
Kind Regards
Dear Jan,
Yes we can plan dental treatment under general anaesthetic for you, however with general anaesthetic there are some important points to follow:
– Must travel with a friend / family member
– Must stay overnight after the treatment
– Must visit a local GP here with us in the town, so that that he/she can issue a pre-operational certificate when you are here before the treatment so that we can check that you are healthy enough to undergo the procedure
– No food or drink on the day before the procedure
– The cost is currently £580 in addition to the required dental treatment.
The above points may seem strict, however in Slovakia the law requires it, and we also have 2 extra members of staff in on the day to make sure that all goes well.
If you’re still interested, please do let me know and we can start to make arrangements.
i contacted you a while back, however i have been unable to get the time off work to come over. in the next few months i will be able to get time off work. i have receding gums and would lie to have my upper and lower teeth removed and get a full new set with dental implants, i only have 6 teeth that would require removal in the lower jaw, on the top jaw i have a single implant on one of the canine teeth would that be a problem, and could you give me a very rough cost of the work.
regards charlie.
Dear Charlie,
Thank you for getting in touch again. 4 dental implants supporting 12 new teeth on a bridge is £5940 per jaw. Adapting the “all on 4” to include your existing dental implant should not pose a problem. 3 short visits are needed over 3-4 months to complete the treatment, and a semi-permanent bridge is provided free of charge during the healing times. Airport transfer, CBCT Scan / OPG x-ray, consultations are included.
I hope that helps…