With only 5 teeth in his whole mouth, Derek was struggling to go on in life as the happy chap he considered himself to be.
It was becoming obvious for years that he dearly needed to get his smile back again, but shuddered to think of how much it would cost him with his local dentist.
So accompanied by his wife and daughter for support, Derek visited us at Dental Holiday Slovakia for Dr. Marek to work his dental magic, over 3 short visits to our Smile Clinic within 6 months of time.

As you can see from the before & after OPG x-rays here, 4 teeth were extracted, and the entire upper and lower jaw was replaced with 12 dental implants (6 per jaw) supporting 24 teeth in total on a fixed ceramic bridge. (12 upper jaw, and 12 lower jaw)
Here’s what he had to say about it all after his dental treatment abroad:
“20/10 – The service is fantastic from Dr. Marek and all his team. Yes – Yes I will recommend to all my friends. Thank you all. Derek.”
Are you in a similar situation with just a few teeth left and can’t stand the thought of wearing false teeth or a denture?
Contact Daniel today, and let us start together on giving you a smile to be proud of.