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Great Dentist Abroad

9/10 -This is what Zoe said about her dentist abroad with Dental Holiday: Great dentist, knows what they are talking about, and good value for …

White composite filling

Composite is a tooth colored material made from polymers, combined with silica, quartz or ceramic particles. Dental Composite is used to form white fillings.

Oral Dentistry Terminology

The word “oral” in dentistry terms is the generic term for things related to the mouth; teeth, tongue, inside mouth bone structure, and bite. It …

Porcelain (dental porcelain)

Dental porcelain is a composite ceramic used extensively within dentistry, principally to form bridges, crowns and new teeth. Dental porcelain can also be used to …

Budapest & Dentistry

Budapest, as well as being Hungary’s capital, is considered by many as the “dentistry capital” of Europe. While other European countries such as Slovakia, Poland, …