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Dental Implants

Why dental implants?

With dental implants, we can restore any of your missing teeth without needing to work on any adjacent teeth (for example, to place a crown bridge over the gap) or use old-fashioned false teeth (professionally called ridge-supported and retained dentures).

Dental implants provide almost identical or even better functionality and aesthetics than natural teeth. You will smile, laugh and eat again with confidence. No other dental procedure can give you a more natural look or anchor crowns more securely.

Dental implants abroad?

You can save 50-70% compared to UK prices when dental implants are done abroad. Read more here about dentistry abroad.

How do dental implants work?


Dental implants act as artificial roots. They are surgically placed into your jaw and are the closest substitute to natural teeth in form and function. Once an implant is firmly integrated into your jaw, it can be used to support single crowns, bridges or dentures. Dental implants may be an option for you, whether you are missing one tooth, several or all of your teeth.

What is the implant procedure?

The first step in the process is developing an individualized dental treatment plan. Next, the tooth root implant, a small post made of titanium, is placed into the missing tooth’s bone socket. As the jawbone heals, it grows around the implanted metal post, anchoring it securely in the jaw. The healing process can take from 3 to 6 months.

Once the implant has bonded to the jawbone, a small connector post – called an abutment – is attached to the post to hold the new tooth securely. A replacement tooth, called a crown, is then attached to the abutment.

How do I care for my dental implants?

Caring for dental implants is the same as caring for natural teeth. Simply follow the oral hygiene basics, which include brushing, flossing and regular dental check-ups. Our dentist or hygienist will show you how to clean your new teeth.

Can anyone get dental implants?

There are no relative health contra-indications to dental implants. Patients must be committed to good oral hygiene and regular dental visits. Heavy smokers, people suffering from uncontrolled chronic disorders – such as diabetes or heart disease – or patients who have had radiation therapy to the head/neck area need to be evaluated individually.

What are the advantages of dental implants?

  • Improved appearance: implants look and feel like your own teeth
  • Improved speech: implants allow you to speak without the worry that your teeth might slip
  • Improved comfort: because they become part of you, implants eliminate the discomfort of removable dentures
  • Easier eating: dental implants function like your own teeth, allowing you to eat your favourite foods with confidence and without pain
  • Improved self-esteem: dental implants can give you back your smile and help you feel better about yourself
  • Improved oral health: unlike a tooth-supported bridge, dental implants don’t need other teeth to be reduced to compensate for the new structure
  • Durability: implants are very durable and will last many years
  • Implants cost significantly less abroad than in the UK. More about dental implants abroad>>>

How successful are dental implants?

At our dental clinic, according to our statistics from last year, dental implants have a success rate of 98%. With proper care, implants can last a lifetime.

Why can a dental crown be necessary?

  • To protect a weak tooth from breaking or to hold together parts of a cracked tooth.
  • To restore an already broken tooth or a tooth that has been severely worn down.
  • Cover and support a tooth with a large filling when there aren’t many teeth left.
  • To hold a dental bridge in place.
  • To cover misshaped or severely discoloured teeth.
  • To cover a dental implant.

What types of crown material are available?

  • Metal crown
  • Porcelain-fused-to-metal crown
  • Porcelain-fused-to-gold crown
  • All resin crown
  • All ceramic crown

What steps are involved in preparing a tooth for a crown?

Preparing a tooth for a crown usually requires two visits – the first visit involves examining and preparing the tooth, and the second one involves placement of the permanent crown.

How should I care for my temporary dental crown?

  • Avoid sticky, chewy foods (for example, chewing gum or caramel), which have the potential of grabbing and pulling off the crown.
  • Minimize the use of the side of your mouth with the temporary crown. Shift the bulk of your chewing to the other side of your mouth.
  • Avoid chewing hard foods (such as raw vegetables), which could dislodge or break the crown.
  • When cleaning your teeth, slide flossing material out rather than lifting it out. Lifting the floss out, as you normally would, might pull off the temporary crown.

How long do dental crowns last?

On average, dental crowns last between 5 and 20 years. The life span of a crown depends on the amount of “wear and tear” the crown is exposed to, how well you follow good oral hygiene practices, and your mouth-related habits (you should avoid such habits as grinding or clenching your teeth, chewing ice, biting your fingernails and using your teeth to open packaging).

Does a crowned tooth require any special care?

While a crowned tooth does not require any special care, remember that simply because a tooth is crowned does not mean the underlying tooth is protected from decay or gum disease. Therefore, follow good oral hygiene practices, including brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing once daily – especially around the crown area where the gum meets the tooth.

More about implants abroad >>>

Read about Implant Straumann >>>

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